Tuesday, May 22, 2001

i have a feeling this is just going to end up sounding a lot like led zeppelin. zack's solo album seems a lot more promising anyway.

chris cornell to rage with the machine
let's hope this doesn't spark something very very bad.

click here

Monday, May 21, 2001

behold: sony's plans for world domination. check out the picture under the online plans section. pretty scary.

click here
go here when you have a really hard time remembering how to spell "weird" and haven't the slightest clue as to the propper spelling of "schmo"

it's also important to note that i would have no idea what a "blog" was or just how wonderful they can be if it weren't for this guy. his blog is essential daily reading so stop by, you can ignore the techy stuff if that's not your thing. all praises due
so, it was only a matter of time before i buckled down and claimed a bit of magical internet space for myself. it's very weird. and not good weird like a tim burton movie, it's uncomfortable wary weird like when you're just out of college being interviewed by some pretentious queen with big huge blisters all over his lips.

anyways, i hope that my blog can at least be half as enriching as this site. don't even ask me how i came across this
welcome back space girl