Friday, November 22, 2002

ahhh, i knew today was missing something; the semi-weekly friday procrastinate-at-work/hangover-cure. this week it's redneck neighbor (courtesy of golden bloggings). try not to get hooked after the first entry.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

anyone else getting sick of all the "serious" critical acclaim eminem has been getting since 8-mile came out? i think i finally figured out what really bugs me about him. sure, he's whiny and although he can rap most of his music sucks. that's beside the point. and yeah, he's hateful, blah blah blah. but the thing is, he constantly attacks others in his music and his interviews, and then acts like he himself is the real victim. dude, don't write a song about killing your wife and sticking her in your trunk and expect some nice homemade lasagna when you get home.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

well, it's nice to know bloomberg's finally seen the light and realized that he absolutely must do something about that oh so dangerous passtime that's plagued us humans since we learned we could make sound by banging on stuff: dancing. what's going to happen when limelight re-opens this month?
what office doesn't need one of these? gosh darnit, order me a dozen! :)
well, if ya haven't seen the fox news j-lo slip-up yet, check it out here. i would say it's possibly inappropriate for work, but you know what, everyone except that wierd amish guy you work with is going to be cracking up at this anyway.

Monday, November 11, 2002

sometimes i wonder what kids learn in first grade these days. looking back, it seemed like half of class time was spent teaching us that "ain't" was in fact not actually a word, and there were proper terms that could be subsituted should we be tempted to use the offending contraction. do kids still say "ain't"?

also, we were taught stuff about mr. oh so perfect george washington, which having aged some 20 odd years since, are obviously false. like, that whole chopping down the cherry tree thing and "i cannot tell a lie...blah blah blah". for some reason, i have this creeping suspicion that there's a lot of kids out there who don't know who george washington is. then again, there's probably very few instances of kids chopping down cherry trees these days too.

Monday, November 04, 2002

uh oh! go to rate my kitten, check out the top 20, and then sit back and enjoy the immeasurable cuteness that comes radiating out of your monitor.

Friday, November 01, 2002

for further proof about the generally deplorable status of leather pants, check this out. fashion tip of the day, anything international male does is a BAD idea.