Thursday, November 18, 2004

"I know there's payola, because I get billed for it" - Don Henley

It'll be interesting to see how this pans out.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The dollar's falling like a robot on rollerblades. Will Bush do anything besides give out more tax cuts?

For the time being, a larger portion of my 401K portfolio is going to international investments.

Also, a Times article here.

Monday, November 15, 2004

d'oh! i missed the chengwin homecoming in soho this weekend. it's nice to see the guy get so much support.

no, i really have no idea what the whole chengwin thing is about, i just heard about it five minutes ago, but it's absolutely absurd and nonsensical, hence it's right up my alley.

read up on chengwin here, then fill me in on your findings.

i think i'm getting old.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

rest in peace, big baby jesus, we'll miss ya.

wu-tang is for the children.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Are we really that divided after all? This map shows a breakdown of blue versus red by county. While the midwest still has a whole lotta red, look at the blues in Texas and the Southeast. Maybe this place ain't so bad after all, eh?
Wow, what a bummer, huh?

After being a zombie for much of yesterday, I was encouraged (ever so slightly) by Bush's stated intentions to bring the country back together. The fact remains that I wouldn't trust him to watch my pet rock, but I guess we'll just have to see.

Like many people, I'm just now realizing the tremendous influence of evangelical politics.

Interesting reading:
Presidential politics and the evangelical movement
the evangelical outpost
Ruling Divides Evangelical Christians (regarding a ten commandments monument in an Alabama courthouse)
Christian Politics in the Third World
Evangelicals frustrated by Bush
Evangelical about politics
Evangelical surged to vote and 'shape public policy'
The Christian Right
Evangelical Christianity Has Been Hijacked

Welcome to the most influential cult in America, folks.