Wednesday, December 10, 2003

i also don't understand why companies hold back on vpn. this is basically the jist of my story.

them: "we're going to need you to do some testing for us late at night and on the weekends to ensure the conversion goes well. here's your laptop, beeper, blah blah blah"
me: "ok, i have dsl at home, so this won't be too bad"
them: "well, actually, you'll have to dial in. we wont' be able to give you vpn"
me: "uh, but i have dsl, how can i do anything over a 56k connection"
them: "well, you can check your e-mail"
me: "but receiving and sending attachments is going to take forever, not to mention everything else that i'll need to do"
them: "...."
me: "so, basically, the laptop is worthless, and i'm going to have to come in on weekends now"
them: "..."

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