Thursday, January 10, 2002

tuesday morning i feel a rumbling in my tummy on the way to work and i go "hmmm, geez, that's odd!" i go to work anyway, but after a couple hours i leave because i feel nauseated.

i spend most of tuesday afternoon with a nauseated stomach and other un-bloggable flu related symptoms. i know i should be drinking lots of water but it just makes me feel worse, and there's no soup in the house that's not cream based so i'm not eating anything at all. discount kid comes home with some soup tuesday evening, and i eat some, shortly after i get real woozy and break out into a cold sweat. i figure that's my fever breaking, and gosh darn it, i'm cured! yay! of course, now discount kid is coming down with the same symptoms as me.

at about 2:30 in the morning on wednesday, i get up to go to the bathroom, and i start feeling all woozy and overheated. the last thing i remember is thinking "god, i gotta go sit down somewhere." later i wake up after passing out on the floor, and i've cut my chin open pretty badly (i still don't know how i fell). this leads me to an 8 hour visit at the emergency room, eleven stitches in my chin, and five liters of sodium chloride being i.v.'d into me to help with my dehydration (i couldn't stand for more than ten seconds without my heart rate dropping dangerously low).

this morning i wake up to find out that now my cat has the flu too.

stay away from my house!!!

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