Monday, December 13, 2004

Somebody saw the Pixies last night.

I think it's finally setting in, too. The concert was fantastic (although the older I get the less patience I have for tall people and the idiots that push their way up front as soon as the concert starts). For some reason, it's easy to forget how just hard some of their songs are, and it's the thrashers that really came to life in concert.

For most of the time, I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. Joey Santiago (the best guitar player, by the way, this is an undisputed fact) providing a flawless performance, Kim Deal grinning from ear to ear (and sounding as angelic as ever), David Lovering hamming it up, and Frank Black howling like he's 17 again. And when they sang "La, La, Love You" during their encore, I knew they were singing only to me. :)

The Datsuns opened, and they suck, like, reeeeaaaaalll bad.

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