Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I had the single greatest class of my entire MBA experience Monday night. It was the first session of a finance class I'm taking called "The Business of Music and Film." It started out with the CFO of Univeral/Motown (one of the three professors for the class, another professor is the soon to be ex-CFO of Miramax films/soon to be CFO of the Weinstein Bros new initiative) handing out free copies of the new Damian Marley CD to everyone. Then, we watched the video for the lead single, and discussed, well, the music business. Believe me, after three years of case studies, formulas, and financial analysis, discussing the impact of 50 Cent on Univeral's bottom line is absolute heaven.

The Miramax CFO took over for the second half of class, which was cool too, because it was nice to see a focus on corporate finance that is more similar to my position than that of an investment banker/portfolio analyst.

What I truly cherished about the class was that it got me excited, instead of worried, about my future. After three years of intense focus of investment banking, I felt like it was the only path that I should take, as if I was being inexorably dragged towards it, that my financial peers would consider me a flake for staying in the entertainment biz. I started preparing myself for the lack of any sort of life that goes along with banking, the 80+ hour work weeks, spending Saturday and Sunday at your desk, the intense pressure of watching the slightest movements in the Dow, the co-workers that I would have absolutely nothing in common with.

But as I listened to the CFO of Universal/Motown speak, it clicked. It might impress certain people if I worked at Bear Sterns, but how f'ing cool would it be if I worked at Def Jam or Interscope or Sony or Take Two Interactive? Who needs seven figure bonuses when you like what you do and get paid well to do it? How on Earth could I consider being a consultant?

I'm really glad I passed on taking Debt Instruments when I signed up for this class.

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